Leeds Trinity University partners with more than 600 schools and colleges across our Primary Education and Secondary Education course provision.

Students benefit from a range of experiences from our diverse school partnerships.

We pride ourselves in delivering high-quality teachers at Leeds Trinity, with 100% employment rates and above the national average for retention into their teaching career.

Partner with us​​

We highly value the strength of our school partnerships, which encourage and enable students to be ready for employment by offering school-based training placements on every Primary Education and Secondary Education course, including:

  • BA (Hons) undergraduate degree courses​
  • PGCE Provider-led courses
  • PGCE School Direct courses
  • School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) courses​

Leeds Trinity University has an established reputation, regionally and nationally, of being one of the UK's leading providers of teacher training courses.

Our outstanding courses are taught by a highly experienced team that understands the learning needs of children, from the early years of 0-5 years, right through to primary education of 5-11 years and also secondary education 11-16 years with enhanced possibilities of Post 16.

Our close partnerships with over 600 primary education and secondary education schools will prepare you for a successful teaching career.

You'll learn and apply practical teaching skills by engaging with school-based training, giving you a deep understanding of the Teachers' standards.

We recognise the diversity of settings where good teachers are needed, so we also give students the chance to complete professional work placements in alternative contexts such as museums, schools abroad and in special provision schools.​

Teacher training provision

Our undergraduate degree courses and PGCE training courses provide you with a range of study options to choose from.

We provide tried-and-trusted PGCE Provider-led and PGCE School Direct study routes for PGCE training courses to help you progress with your career aspirations.

We have some exciting changes happening at Leeds Trinity with regards to our teacher training opportunities.

These include developing more school-led partnerships, delivering mentor training and partnership meetings closer to schools, and creating a series of engaging and impactful networking events for schools to attend.

Our main focus recently has been reviewing our partnerships with our school partners and to really build on school-led provision for future teachers.

As part of this, we have consulted various schools on the programme content and dates of placements for next year.

Some other exciting headlines for Leeds Trinity University Teacher Training include:​

  • We want to take our training sessions and consultation meetings out to schools, to help reduce your time and travel.
  • We know across the country there is a stronger need for EAL provision in schools. We are currently working alongside Leeds City Council in supporting schools free of charge for EAL provision.
  • As an Institute for Initial Teacher Education, we are potentially wanting to accommodate schools further by hosting our meetings in school hubs in a cluster model. The idea behind this is to bring cohorts of schools together, share best practice, reduce travel time for teachers attending meetings, encourage schools to chair meetings, provide further support for NQTs, provide potential CPD opportunities and work in collaboration with schools to look at course content and delivery.
  • If we were to move towards a cluster model for our PGCE Provider-led courses, would your schools be interested in becoming a hub? Leeds Trinity would fund the marketing banners, catering, hire of the space and potential CPD offers for your staff.
  • Schools may be interested in being part of any consultation groups with regards to our partnership work and looking at the delivery of our PGCE and undergraduate courses and interviewing potential new teachers into the field.

Get in touch

Interested in becoming one of Leeds Trinity's partners?

You can get in touch and ask any questions to the School Partnership Manager, Deborah Garcia, on: