Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of all we do.

​​Leeds Trinity University provides an open and welcoming environment, underpinned by the values of our Catholic foundation, which is open to all – whatever their faith background or belief.

The University's mission states that rooted in its Catholic foundation, Leeds Trinity is a diverse and inclusive University welcoming students from all backgrounds and beliefs which exists to provide a transformational educational experience, forming students and learners whose lives will flourish and find wholeness in their work and world.

Promotion of the principles of dignity, respect, social justice, equality, and inclusion to support the social and economic health and wellbeing of each and every person in our University community is an important part of the University's Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Respect and Inclusivity are values which guide our actions and behaviours. ‘People and Sustainability’ is also one of four Strategic Pillars within the Strategic Plan. ​​

We believe that by working together with a philosophy of openness and respectfulness we can ensure that the University’s core values and mission become the lived experience of each and every member of the Leeds Trinity community.​

  • We seek to be diverse and inclusive – supporting individuals and groups to fulfil their potential.
  • We strive to be outward-looking, welcoming and open to new ideas.
  • We seek to harness different viewpoints and perspectives to benefit individual and community wellbeing and enrich our research and scholarship.​
  • We value and respect the perspectives and contributions of all our ​colleagues and students.
  • We shall create an enriched environment based on values of dignity and respect where diversity of culture, heritage and lifestyle is positively valued ​and which helps our people to thrive and to realise their full potential.​

Equity, Social Justice and Belonging Strategy

Our vision is to develop a culture within our University that is founded in respect, compassion and social justice in a way which delivers equity so that all who study, work and engage with the University are able to thrive.

The values-based approach we adopt is significant in that it recognises the importance of difference and celebrates it.

The impact of our approach to equity, social justice and belonging will be felt by the communities, organisations and industries that we work with and with whom our graduates engage as they enter their professional lives.

Equality Diversity and Inclusion in action

We have a number of initiatives, spaces, and networks that help embed and espouse our values across our staff and students.

Staff Equality Networks

​​​We now have five Equality Networks across the University which we set up in order to provide a vehicle for staff from protected groups to be able not only to network and share experiences, but also to help us shape our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda by acting as consultative and reference groups, promoting awareness of that particular group and helping the University to become a more inclusive and welcoming community.

Staff Development

​Equality and diversity is central to many of our training programmes for line managers to ensure that they are aware and are supportive of the needs of all members of our community.

We also have Mental Health First Aiders on-site who are accredited to provide first-line support to those in need of support and assistance at work or study.

Zero Tol​erance​ to harassment, bullying and abuse

​In support of the work being done to promote ED&I across our university community we adopt a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying, harassment and victimisation of any kind and from whatever source. We want colleagues who experience any form of harassment to feel safe that they can report it to us easily and confident that we will take appropriate action using the policy framework we have in place which includes our Dignity at Work and Study policy and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.

Last year we introduced our 'Zero Tolerance App' which students and staff can find on the Leeds Trinity University intranet homepage. Anyone wishing to report harassment or abuse can click on the button to provide their contact details and a member of the HR team (for staff reporting harassment) or Student Services (for students reporting harassment) will respond within two working days.

We are all responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure that harassment does not occur at our university so that we can continue to ensure Leeds Trinity is safe, welcoming and inclusive with a culture of mutual respect and consideration for others.​

Chaplaincy and Multi-Faith Prayer Space

Established as two Catholic teacher training colleges in 1966, we are proud of our Catholic faith-foundation and we are guided by our Christian ethos to ensure that everyone in our community feels valued. This includes those of Catholic, Christian denominations, other religions, and those who don’t profess a faith.

As well as our Chapel, which offers a space for prayer, reflection, and celebration, we also have a multi-faith prayer space that can be used by individuals of all faiths for prayer, reflection and community worship.

The University’s Chaplaincy also provides inclusive events and a regular workshop programme, opportunities for outreach and mission, and a social space on campus.

Anti-racism statement

‘’We acknowledge that racism is ingrained across our society, institutionalised within the higher education sector and our University. We recognise that racism is not always overt and manifests in the everyday life of our staff and students.

"The impact of this is significantly harmful to individuals and our community. We hold ourselves accountable and expect everyone to be anti-racist, challenge all forms of racism and work to dismantle structures that perpetuate racism, including challenging ourselves. We are committed to eliminating racial inequality and will take systematic action to address racial inequities.

"We expect all staff, students, and all members of our University community including partners and stakeholders to embody these values and behaviours.’’ 

We are proud to be the first university in Yorkshire to achieve the Race Equality Charter (REC) Bronze award, after embarking on a comprehensive programme to achieve race equality and promote inclusion.

As a Catholic foundation university, we believe in the intrinsic value and dignity of every human person, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, background or heritage 

This is a call to action for all members of our University community to help us ensure that there is no place for racism at Leeds Trinity University. 

We are committed to intensifying our efforts to:

  • Identify and address any barriers to improving the representation, progression, experience and success of our Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and students. Use of the terminology “BAME” is under review, as we recognise its limitations.
  • Critically evaluate our policies, procedures, and practices to remove any potential for racial inequality and racial bias.
  • Eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying at the University.
  • Close the pay gap between BAME and White staff.
  • Increase BAME representation at key decision-making boards at the University.
  • Eliminate the offer, progression and attainment gaps between BAME and White students.
  • Empower our staff and students to feel confident when speaking about race and ethnicity.
  • Build on existing reporting mechanisms and demonstrate a willingness to listen and act.

Our University and the higher education sector as a whole needs to spearhead the ongoing struggle against racial prejudice and inequity.

We all have a responsibility to ensure that Leeds Trinity University is welcoming for everyone. We will stand up to and challenge racism and expect all members of our University community to do the same.

Statement on the adoption of the IHRA definition of Anti-Semitism and Antigypsyism, and the APPG definition of Islamophobia

At Leeds Trinity University (LTU) we are committed to promoting dignity, respect, social justice, and equity for all, this is integral to our Catholic foundations and is built into our values and mission where everyone at LTU is valued, respected and encouraged to contribute, and everyone has the same rights, status and opportunities. At Leeds Trinity University we value equality, diversity and inclusion and seek to promote an environment in which everyone feels part of our community regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, faith, and belief or no belief. Further information can be found in our Equity, Social Justice and Belonging Strategy, our vision is to:

“Create an enriched environment based on dignity and respect, in which diversity of culture, heritage and background is positively embraced at all levels and which helps us all to thrive and to realise our full potential.”

We are committed to being an anti-racist University that challenges all forms of racism, harassment and discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality and religion including anti-Semitism area and Islamophobia.

In 2020 Leeds Trinity University was awarded the Bronze Award in recognition of our commitment to the principles of Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter, and the developments we have made in this area to improve the representation, progression and success of all minority ethnic staff and students within higher education.

Leeds Trinity University endorses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism. The IHRA definition is as follows:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

The IHRA definition above with the following caveats are recommended by the Home Affairs Select Committee in 2016 “to ensure that freedom of speech is maintained in the context of discourse about Israel and Palestine, without allowing antisemitism to permeate any debate”, This resonates with the Leeds Trinity University Freedom of Speech statement.

The following addendums have been adopted:

  1. It is not anti-Semitic to criticise the Government of Israel, without additional evidence to suggest anti-Semitic intent.
  2. It is not anti-Semitic to hold the Israeli Government to the same standards as other liberal democracies, or to take a particular interest in the Israeli Government’s policies or actions, without additional evidence to suggest anti-Semitic intent.

Similarly, Leeds Trinity University endorses the IHRA working definition of antigypsyism/anti-Roma discrimination. Antigypsyism/anti-Roma discrimination is as follows:

“Antigypsyism/anti-Roma discrimination did not start with or end after the Nazi era but continues to be a central element in crimes perpetrated against Roma. In spite of the important work done by the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and other international bodies, the stereotypes and prejudices about Roma have not been delegitimized or discredited vigorously enough so that they continue to persist and can be deployed largely unchallenged.”

Similarly, Leeds Trinity University endorses the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) working definition of Islamophobia. Islamophobia definition is as follows:

“Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

The adoption of the IHRA working definition of Anti-Semitism and the APPG working definition of Islamophobia has been given due consideration with extensive consultation with staff and of varying religious beliefs and ethnic backgrounds at Leeds Trinity University.

November 2021

Leeds Learning Alliance anti-racist statement

The Leeds Learning Alliance (LLA) of which Leeds Trinity University is a member, has published a statement of support for Black women and girls. Read the Leeds Learning Alliance anti-racist statement here.

Charters and Memberships​

We affirm our commitment to equality through the following external charters and memberships, which hold us accountable for key actions and progress:

Race Equality Charter Bronze Award

Disability Confident Employer

Mindful Employer

. disability confident employer. .