Profile picture of Alex Ford.

Senior Lecturer, Leeds Trinity University

I’m thrilled to be in the ICE department and be a part of the incredible work that goes on. As a student I benefitted from very high levels of support and flexibility from the staff.

My career before I started the MA in Education

In 2011 I started working at Harrogate Grammar School where I was a Head of Department, I then went on to be a Head of Department at Guiseley School until 2015. 

Why I chose to attend Leeds Trinity

I knew that the Schools History Project was located at Leeds Trinity and about the great reputation the institution had for training teachers.  It was also close to where I lived, so it had everything really.

Alex Ford main image.

My highlights from being a student at Leeds Trinity

What really stood out for me was the support I received from the staff, particularly that from Claire Smith and Mandy Fulford.  I thoroughly enjoyed the course and the opportunity to look at education from an academic perspective.

My dream role as a Teacher

This has to be the one I accepted at Leeds Trinity to be a Senior Lecturer on the PGCE Programme!  This was a big career shift for me, but one that I’ve always aspired to.  I’m really excited to be able to influence Teachers in the classroom.

Returning as a Senior Lecturer after graduating from the MA in Education

It felt really good, although it was nerve racking I was really excited!  I’m thrilled to be in the ICE department and be a part of the incredible work that goes on.  As a student I benefitted from very high levels of support and flexibility from the staff.  I received excellent tutorial support and I always appreciated that the staff were always available and willing to assist me.  This is something I will replicate as a Lecturer to benefit the next generation of students. 

My advice to NQTs as they embark on new careers

  • Make sure you have a good work-life balance and learn when you need to slow down
  • Be organised in everything you do and plan your time carefully
  • Make sure you are thorough with all your documentation