Profile picture of Connor Lyons .

Retail Assistant, Morrisons

Why I chose to attend Leeds Trinity

When I was originally looking for a University, I was considering local options to the Midlands, but was recommended Leeds Trinity by a teacher. I almost immediately fell in love with the University, not only because of the welcoming and community spirit across campus, but also the more practical benefits of being a student, such as the shuttle bus to get around the local area for free and the discounted gym membership.

Connor Lyons in SU Bar.

What I enjoyed about the course

The structure of the course offered a great deal of variety and I liked that I could choose from the different core modules. I was even able to choose a science fiction module that was an option from a different course and this actually helped shape my dissertation.

I feel that I really benefited from the small class size in being able to form close bonds with my fellow students and lecturers. It added to the community feel about being at Leeds Trinity through building genuine relationships.

Gaining confidence

My people skills really evolved through my time as a student. Being in this group and building effective professional relationships really developed my confidence and made me a much more outgoing person. My new-found confidence inspired me to go for and be successful in becoming the General Manager of the University bar before even graduating.

I took over at an incredibly busy time and was able to take advantage of managing staff, running large events and conference trade, managing stock and introducing new promotions and activities to increase all round trade.

My career since graduating

I gained incredible experience straight after graduating in a managerial role at the University and loved dealing with customers. I continued my learning and gained a Level 5 CIPD in Human Resource Management and Services in 2021 alongside working in retail for Morrisons.

Summing up my three years

Whether it was the stellar teaching staff going above and beyond on a daily basis, or the staff of the University serving up the best breakfast wraps when you're starving before that 9am lecture on Monday, Leeds Trinity has an ability to make happy memories you won't forget.