Profile picture of Mary Mathe.

NPS Support Worker, National Probation Service

I chose to study my MA at Leeds Trinity University because of the rich educational experience I had when doing my first degree.

Life before Leeds Trinity University

Growing up, I had a dream to become a teacher and to go to University. I eventually became a teacher aged 24 in Zimbabwe but going to University was out of reach for me. In Zimbabwe, the only University in the country was for the elite, and I made peace with myself that I would never wear the academic attire.

Then, after moving to the UK and seeing an advert for foundation-level degrees at Leeds Trinity University in 2011, I turned my fantasy into an achievable dream. I graduated with an undergraduate degree in Working with Children, Young People and Families in 2015 and began my MA a year later.

Mary Mathe main image.

Why I chose to study at Leeds Trinity

I chose to study my MA at Leeds Trinity University because of the rich educational experience I had when doing my first degree.

What I loved about the course

Assessments were varied, such as report writing, group activities and individual in-depth presentations which thoroughly prepared us for the working environment in a variety of settings

How Leeds Trinity equipped me for my career

I came out of this course with a boosted personal and professional confidence. I then started a job in the justice system, working in a setting where ex-offenders are supported with finding their way back into the community after serving time in prison. And it is the confidence and knowledge that I acquired from the MA that put me in this challenging, but very interesting environment.

My advice to other prospective students

I would advise anyone contemplating studying the MA Family Support course to go for it and acquire the lifelong educational skills and knowledge which it offers. Studying at Leeds Trinity is a lovely, social and enjoyable experience. My MA was very enriching and the content was tailored to meet the needs of modern practitioners working with a variety of client groups in different capacities.