Leeds Trinity University's aim is for every student to reach their full potential.

We hope that your experience with us will encourage you to share your stories, support current students and spread the word about how beneficial it would be to study with us.

There are several ways in which you can support the university and help us to continue to offer the best student experience possible.

Recommend us to future students

We're thrilled to hear from alumni who had a great experience at Leeds Trinity. The fact that we’ve had so many siblings come to study with us based on their parents’ experience speaks volumes.

Recommend us through word of mouth, our website address leedstrinity.ac.uk or by contacting our Admissions team on: admissions@leesdtrinity.ac.uk.

Share your story

We are always extremely proud to share stories about the wonderful things our alumni go on to do. Maybe you have a story we can share on the University news or blog pages, or perhaps you’d like to share your career achievements by submitting an alumni profile.

Email: alumni@leedstrinity.ac.uk if you’ve got something you’d like to share with the University community.

Offer a student placement

We’re well-known for our professional placement programme that’s embedded into every undergraduate course at the University.

Our placements give students invaluable confidence, skills and careers experience, and benefit businesses too.

  • Are you in a position to offer a professional placement to a student?
  • Would you benefit from having a student working on a five or six-week professional work placement on a full-time, unpaid basis?
  • Can you help them in the same way your placement perhaps helped you?

Find out more from Mubina Ahmed, Professional Placements Manager.

Mentor a Leeds Trinity student

Since 2016 the Alumni Office has partnered with myFuture team to offer mentoring to our current students, in all disciplines, from alumni and business partners.

Mentoring takes place throughout the academic year and can be done in a variety of ways to suit all participants.

If you are interested in finding out more, or becoming a mentor, please visit our mentoring webpage or email the myFuture team.

Please note, matching every mentor with a mentee will depend on the number of students and mentors involved and the industry-specific requests received.

Give a guest talk

We are always delighted when our alumni return to campus as guest speakers.

If you would like to share your experiences and expertise with current students, fellow alumni or other audiences please email: alumni@leedstrinity.ac.uk.

Donate to our Inspiring Futures Programme

Our Inspiring Futures Programme is an exciting fundraising programme, launched by former Chancellor Gabby Logan in 2016, during Leeds Trinity's University's 50th anniversary year. The programme financially supports students who want to compete in elite-level sport alongside their studies and recent graduates who want to develop their own business. There are two strands of funding:

  • Sporting Excellence Fund – to compete at a national or international level of sport
  • Enterprise Fund – to develop an existing business or freelancing career

You can donate to the fund in general or if there is a particular strand you would most like to support you can nominate your donation to go there.