University incubators and enterprise centres play a pivotal role in supporting organisations, especially startups and young entrepreneurs.

We provide support for our students and graduates by giving advice and linking them up with external support. The benefits of working with our centre are:

  • Expert Guidance: We provide access to seasoned mentors and experts. Their guidance covers various aspects of business, from strategy to marketing.
  • Networking Opportunities: Being part of our incubator and Business Network connects you with a network of like-minded entrepreneurs. Collaborate, share ideas, and learn from others in the ecosystem.
  • Structured Programs: We offer structured programs that focus on business development, market research, and scaling. These programs accelerate your growth.
  • Access to Funding: We can put you in touch with people who have links to investors, venture capitalists, and funding opportunities. They can help you secure seed funding or early-stage investment.
  • Legal and Administrative Support: From setting up your organisation legally to handling paperwork, we can direct you where to get help.
  • Collaboration with Academia: By working with us you may be able to tap into university resources, research, and expertise. Collaborate on projects, access libraries, and benefit from academic insights.

We believe that by providing a nurturing environment for your business, we can help foster growth, innovation, and collaboration.

For more information, contact