External examiners play an important role in Leeds Trinity University's quality assurance and enhancement framework. 

​​​​At least one external examiner is appointed to every programme in order to provide independent and impartial advice on the academic standards set and student achievements.

Induction and development

The latest induction materials for External Examiners can now be found on Moodle, the University's VLE. Induction materials include our new remote induction videos, the External Examiner Handbook, and reporting templates. The External Examiner Information Bank can be found in Moodle here. This link will take you to a Moodle log in screen and then directly to the information bank.

For further details please contact ex-ex-admin@leedstrinity.ac.uk

Advance HE information

Advance HE has produced a handbook for external examining to provide sector-wide guidance and advice for external examiners.

Quality Assurance Agency information

​​UK Quality Code for Higher Education

The UK Quality Code for Higher Education published by the QAA sets out the expectations that all universities are required to meet. ​See the QAA website for more information about the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.


Information for external examiners​

The following resources and information are to assist extern​al examiners:

Contact us

External examiners can contact the Academic Quality Office ​with questions or general enquiries on +44 (0) 113 283 7100 extension 682 or email: ex-ex-admin@leedstrinity.ac.uk. ​