This guidance follows the Definition Document for Higher Education Institutions developed by the Information Commissioner so that Higher Education Institutions meet their commitments under the model publication scheme. Leeds Trinity University (LTU) will make the information in this definition document available unless:

  • We do not hold the information.
  • The information is exempt under one of the FOI exemptions or Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) exceptions, or its release is prohibited under another statute.
  • The information is archived, out of date or otherwise inaccessible.
  • It would be impractical or resource-intensive to prepare the material for routine release.

This guide to the information the University makes available to the public should assist you to locate the information on our website or advise you on how you can obtain it.  This guidance is not meant to give a definitive list.  LTU will endeavour to provide as much information as possible on a routine basis, mainly through its website

Information published on the University’s website is free to access in that format, subject to any copyright restrictions.

The following routine information can be found on our website:

For replacement certificates, authentication or verification of awards please visit our Alumni webpage.

If You Cannot Find the Information You Seek

If you cannot access the University’s website or are unable to find the information you are looking for, you can e-mail or write to the University specifying the information you need. The best way to contact us is via our dedicated email address:

Schedule of Fees and Charges

Access to online material is free.

Generally, the provision of printed copies of any web pages or the original hard copy version of a publication will incur charges to cover the cost of duplication, administration and postage.

Any charges, payable in advance, will normally be calculated on the following basis: Printed copy charges will be made for duplication, administration, and postage where the number of pages exceeds 14. Charges are £5 for the first 15 pages plus an additional 25p for each additional page requested. All charges are subject to VAT.

Guide to Information Listed in accordance with the Definition Document Associated with the University’s Publication Scheme

1.  Who we are and what we do

The following information about how the University is organised is published on the University website:  

Lists of and information relating to organisations which the University has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors, and companies wholly owned by it:

Student activities

Leeds Trinity Students’ Union (LTSU) is a registered charity independent of the University. The University does not hold information about its activities. LTSU publishes information about its activities in its events calendar.

Information about LTSU clubs, societies, associations and non-academic activities including sports arranged for or by students can be found at the Activities section of the LTSU website.

2.  What we spend and how we spend it

Funding and income

For information on the sources of funding and income, such as Funding Council grants, tuition fees, endowment, rents and investment income (including investment strategy) go to:

Budgetary and account information

Capital programme

Suppliers, Contracts, Procurement and tender procedures and reports

3.  What our priorities are and how we are doing

Overall Strategy:

The Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Academic quality and standards

External review information

Government and regulatory reports by external reviewing bodies are available from their websites:

4.  How we make decisions

Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes and procedures.

5.  Our policies and procedures

Information in this class is primarily published under the relevant links under Public Information, or from the webpage for the department responsible for delivering the service and responsibilities. 

Policies such as those guiding and underpinning University Business can also be found using the following link:

Procedures and policies relating to academic services

See the Academic public information page for information in this category.

Procedures and policies relating to student services

See the public information section of our website for links to information in this category, including:

Equality and Diversity

Information about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is available on the LTU website, along with the following guidance:

Health and Safety

Estate management

Records management and personal data policies

Research Ethics and policy documents

6.  Lists and registers

Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers. 

Asset registers

Information in this category is not currently published on the LTU website. It can be requested in writing (see If You Cannot Find the Information You Seek... above). The University will provide any information requested which is not subject to an exemption from disclosure under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior personnel

Information in this category is not currently published on the LTU website. It can be requested in writing (see If You Cannot Find the Information You Seek... above). The University will provide any information requested which is not subject to an exemption from disclosure under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Any register of interests kept in the University

Information in this category is not currently published on the LTU website. It can be requested in writing (see If You Cannot Find the Information You Seek... above). The University will provide any information requested which is not subject to an exemption from disclosure under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

7.  The services we offer

Information is available from the website of the relevant service:

Prospectus - see the sections:

Course contentsee the sections:

Welfare and counselling

Health including medical services


Chaplaincy services

Services for which the University is entitled to recover a fee