International netball star among experts sharing key employability skills with Leeds Trinity students


The 'Moving Forward: Working in Sport and Wellbeing' conference, held on Tuesday 23 January, explored careers in sport and wellbeing through a collection of workshop and networking sessions.

Chris Sellars, Geva Mentor, Dan Busfield and Lisa Gannon at the Moving Forward: Working in Sport and Wellbeing conference..

Students from the School of Sport and Wellbeing at Leeds Trinity University have benefitted from the opportunity to connect with key industry professionals and organisations at a conference held at the University’s Main Campus in Horsforth. 

The keynote speech was delivered by Dan Busfield, Head of Business and Partnerships at the Leeds Rhinos Foundation, and Geva Mentor CBE, England Netball international, now playing for Leeds Rhinos, who has twice been voted as the world’s best netballer and was part of England’s gold medal-winning Commonwealth Games team in 2018. Dan discussed his background, key achievements and challenges, before explaining how he convinced Geva to sign for the Rhinos for 2024. Geva reflected on her stellar career, detailing how she has applied the skills and attributes she has picked up during her sporting journey to her personal and professional life.  

After the talk, students had the opportunity to talk with representatives from a wide range of employers, including Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Huddersfield Town Foundation and The Gym Group. The conference provided ample opportunity for Leeds Trinity students to network, establish contacts, have conversations and to source future work and placements.  

Students were offered the choice of attending five sessions focused on a range of topics with key figures from prominent organisations in the sector. Sessions included Coaching and Sports Development, delivered by Qasim Akhtar, Chairman for Bradford City AFC Women, and Connor Meese, Diploma in Sporting Excellence Manager at the Rugby Football League; Sports Science and Performance, delivered by Joe Baker and Sophie Goves of Catapult, a sports science company offering products designed to optimise performance and avoid injury, and Leeds Trinity alumnus Tom Jacques, now a nutritionist at Leeds Rhinos. Students also heard from Natalie Robinson, Manager for Leeds North West School Partnership and Suzanne Tomlinson, Director of Leeds SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training) PGCE course, who discussed Physical Education.

Sally Steadman, CEO of Society of Sports Therapists, and Steven Bannister, Owner of SB Performance Coaching, helped students explore what a career in sports therapy looks like; and Lottie Roberts, Outreach and Communications Lead at Smart Works, accompanied Leeds Trinity’s Chris Weed, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, in covering Health and Social Care. 

The event closed with a summary of the support available to students through the University’s Careers and Placements team, who work with students throughout their studies and beyond helping with placements, navigating the job market, connect with employers and find work.  

Dr Lisa Gannon, Associate Professor (Professional Practice) at Leeds Trinity University and organiser of the conference, said: “When planning this conference, a key aim was to provide students with an insight into the reality of working in the sports and wellbeing industry and what it takes to be successful. Geva Mentor’s inspirational talk at the top of the day set the tone for the conference; her message, based on her own experiences, of being resilient, developing strong connections with teammates and colleagues and staying true to who you are, resonated strongly with both our staff and students. 

“The fantastic advice from professionals continued throughout the day and I would like to thank them all for being so forthcoming in sharing their time and expertise with us. Our students have been left with plenty to ponder as they start to map out their plans and goals for the future, and I look forward to holding this event again next year as the University continues to provide students with a platform to learn, make connections and discover exciting opportunities with employers.” 

Holly Siberry, Employability Projects and Events Officer at Leeds Trinity University, said: “It was great to see so many students attend the conference and engage with the exhibitor fair and sessions. The day was filled with information to help Sport and Wellbeing students move forward in their careers and offered a wonderful chance to connect with established industry professionals. It is important for students to expand their networks and put themselves in a position to secure work and placements. I hope having a wide variety of employers, many of them local, on-campus demonstrates to students the number of opportunities available to them.” 

For more information on Sport and Wellbeing degrees at Leeds Trinity, visit the University website.  

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