Mayor of West Yorkshire visits Leeds Trinity University’s new City Campus


Tracy Brabin, the recently re-elected Mayor of West Yorkshire, has visited Leeds Trinity University’s City Campus at 1 Trevelyan Square, which is currently being fitted out to open for teaching in the 2024/25 academic year.

Vice-Chancellor Professor, Charles Egbu, Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin and Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Experience, Catherine O Connor stood outside Leeds City Campus..

Leeds Trinity University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Charles Egbu welcomed Tracy Brabin as part of a tour of the city centre campus to share the institution’s extended offer for students and continued investment in the region.

They were joined by Professor Catherine O’Connor, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Experience, and Chief Operating Officer Jo Hynes, who shared more detail about the approach to learning and teaching at the campus, and the sustainable development of the building.

Situated in the heart of the city, a few minutes from Leeds train station, Leeds Trinity’s City Campus will complement its existing Main Campus in Horsforth – which is home to courses including teacher education, journalism and a new health and life sciences provision – and play a key role in its growth plans. The University’s Strategic Plan 2021-26  is underpinned by increasing engagement in the Leeds City Region, including working more closely with partners and employers to open up new opportunities for students, contribute to the continued growth of the city centre and support and retain skills in the area.

Programmes closely linked to industry and enterprise will be delivered at the University’s new facilities across its Business School, School of Computer Science, School of Construction and the Built Environment, School of Criminology, Investigation and Policing, and the Law School.

It will offer a range of innovative facilities including a trading room, boardroom and business engagement centre, and a law court. Students will also have access to study resources and a wide range of study and open learning spaces to support collaborative working.

Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin said: "It’s great to have a new Leeds Trinity campus at the heart of the city centre, boosting our plans for a region of learning and creativity.

“As a career-focused university, Leeds Trinity has helped us to fill vital skills gaps in areas like education, journalism and policing, and I look forward to welcoming the legal and business experts of tomorrow to Trevelyan Square.

“It’s a testament to the vision of Vice-Chancellors like Professor Egbu, and the dedication of all our lecturers and university staff across West Yorkshire, that the majority of our graduates choose to stay in the region, helping us build a stronger economy that works for all.”

Leeds Trinity University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Charles Egbu said: “It was an honour to welcome the Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin on a tour of our Leeds City Campus, ahead of opening our new building in the heart of the city next academic year.

“As a career-led University, it was good to discuss our approach to employability, our values and the opportunities we hope to create with businesses and employers in the region. We also discussed how our work supports some of the Mayor’s pledges including investing in skills and training to ensure young people have the skills they need to secure work and in turn contribute to the regional economy. We look forward to sharing more with all stakeholders over the coming months.”

Leeds Trinity University is an anchor institution within the Leeds Anchor Network, working to make a difference across the city and create opportunities for the people of Leeds. The development of its new City Campus reflects Leeds Trinity’s growing role in innovation, engagement and civic impact through its highly skilled students, alumni and staff, and its expanding course provision and opportunities.

To find out more about Leeds Trinity University’s City Campus, visit the website.

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