New guide to global journalism collaborations promises impact in higher education


Katherine Blair, Associate Professor in Professional Practice in Journalism at Leeds Trinity University, has co-edited a first of its kind guide to global virtual collaborations for the communications and journalism fields in higher education.

A woman with blonde hair wearing a white dress holds a book.

Global Journalism Collaborations: Worldwide Storytelling Projects in Higher Education, published by Routledge, is the only book to use a collection of journalism-focussed case studies to explore how virtual collaborations work, how technology has improved to facilitate them, the benefits for students and the inclusivity of such projects.

Aimed at academics with an interest in internationalising the curriculum, the book explains why universities are in a unique position in being able to offer students the opportunity to work with and learn from peers across the world. A range of viewpoints from students, graduates, university instructors and professionals are included, each providing the advantages of international collaborations from their individual experiences. Sustainability, widening participation and cross-cultural learning are some of the benefits covered.

While the book is told through the lens of journalism, the processes and methods are applicable to any field, assisting universities worldwide in internationalising their curriculum with the aim of producing global citizens.

Katherine Blair said: “This book explores a number of collaborative global journalism projects and shows how to create the best conditions for allowing students to work collaboratively across borders. It also explores what the future holds, and how virtual projects are a fabulous sustainable way of creating the right conditions for students to learn about other cultures whilst learning valuable academic and professional skills.”

In 2023, Katherine launched the Globalizer App, a Tinder-like tool to facilitate online global teaching and projects, a product inspired by the successful international collaborations she organised as part of her role in the School of Digital and Screen Media at Leeds Trinity University.

The release of the new book is a continuation of her commitment to making global collaborations accessible and regular practice across higher education. Katherine co-edited the book with Marion Coomey, Associate Professor in Media Production at Toronto Metropolitan University, and Faith Sidlow, Associate Professor of Broadcast and Multimedia Journalism and Chair of the Media, Communications and Journalism Department at Fresno State University, USA.

Faith Sidlow said: “This book has been a labour of love. We are so excited to share our successes and challenges during our many international collaborations with other universities.”

Further details on Global Journalism Collaborations: Worldwide Storytelling Projects in Higher Education can be found on the Routledge website.

For more information on the courses available in the School of Digital and Screen Media at Leeds Trinity, visit the University website.

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