‘Connected Young Fatherhood’ is a collaborative study between Leeds Trinity University, DaddiLife, the County Councils Network and Leeds City Council.

Funded by Research England, we explored young fathers’ employment experiences since the outbreak of COVID-19 in both rural and urban areas. In doing so, we drew upon our previous study 'New Pathways for Young Fathers' which highlighted the significance of obtaining paid employment for young fathers (alongside emotional caregiving) and the multiple barriers that can arise.

Given that ‘New Pathways for Young Fathers’ ended just before the first UK lockdown in March 2020, the subsequent impact of the pandemic on the lives and employment opportunities of young fathers warranted further exploration, particularly within the context of the Government’s Levelling Up agenda. We spoke to professionals in the family and fathers’ sector, employers, and young fathers, using online or telephone interviews to gather a range of insights on young fatherhood and employment issues.

These interviews provided a rich and diverse set of accounts which in combination, have highlighted complexities related to parenting and paid work, and the knock-on effects for young fathers’ well-being and family lives.

You can download the full report below.