On this page you can find all policies and documents related to research, including:

Knowledge Exchange forms can be found on the Knowledge Exchange Ethics documents page.

Repository complaints information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Policies and procedures

Code of Practice for the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (PDF 427KB)

Code of Practice for the Research Excellence Framework 2021 Post Covid-19 (PDF 558KB)

Open Access Policy (PDF 184KB)

Takedown Procedure (PDF 172KB)

Research Data Management Policy (PDF 91KB)

Research Degrees Handbook 2024-25 (PDF 777KB)

Research, Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Strategy (PDF 394KB)

Postgraduate Research Strategy (PDF 363KB)

Research Participants Privacy Notice (PDF 182KB)

Annual Review Post Transfer Guidance (PDF 273KB)

Briefings for external examiners (PDF 84KB)

Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature (PDF 335KB)

Criteria for the appointment of examiners and independent chairs (PDF 247KB)

Criteria for the formation of a Research Centre (Word 121KB)

Disagreement between Research Degree Examiners (PDF 83KB)

Eligibility for PGR Supervision (PDF 109KB)

Guide to Solely and Joint authored publications (PDF 110KB)

Guide to the thesis examination process (PDF 512KB)

Instructions to examiners for research degree examinations (PDF 583KB)

PGR attendance monitoring policy / presumed withdrawn procedure (PDF 135KB)

PGR Suspension and Extension Policy (PDF 228KB)

PGR transfer & viva Video Streaming Policy (PDF 149KB)

Protocol for doctoral thesis including publications - Faculty of Business, Computing and Digital Industries (PDF 134KB)

Protocol for doctoral thesis including publications - Faculty of Health, Wellness and Life Sciences (PDF 160KB)

Protocol for doctoral thesis including publications - Faculty of Social Sciences and Education (PDF 131KB)

Postgraduate Researcher – Admissions: Transfers from other Institutions (PDF 141KB)

Reasonable Adjustment and Support for PGR Level Assessment/Examination (PDF 162KB)

Guide to Solely & Joint authored publications (PDF 110KB)

Position Statement on Open Research (PDF 152KB)

Submitting your thesis early (PDF 74KB)

Transfer assessment panel guidance (PDF 345KB)

Non-stipendiary visiting nomination process and application form (Word 145KB)

Research Ethics documents

Repository Complaints

Any individual, whether within or external to the University, has the right to request the removal of content from the Leeds Trinity University Repository, on the grounds that it breaches copyright, or is in any other way unlawful. Please use the Repository Complaints form for this process.